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Please enter a title for this blog post: How to Prepare for Hurricane Season Please enter an introduction to your blog post: Every year, the eastern US braces itself for hurricane season. From June through November, residents prepare themselves with water, food, and resources in order to take care of themselves and their families during a major storm. But what do you need to have on hand before it starts snowing? What should your neighborhood prepare for? And what about those who live inland? The devastation that a severe hurricane can cause is nothing short of catastrophic. The power and force of the storm is almost unimaginable. But how can we prepare to protect our families and communities? Knowing what to expect and how to be prepared is the best way to begin handling this natural disaster. Please enter your list of 5-7 bullet points: 1. Basic Needs (food, water, shelter)2. Insurance documents3. Clothes and shoes4. First Aid Kit5. Flashlight and batteries6. List of emergency contacts7. Important documents and documents to take with you A family's home is one of the most valuable possessions they have. Since we can't predict hurricanes and flooding, we should be ready and packed and ready for the worst-case scenario. Whether your family is inland or out on the coast, here are some tips to stay prepared for hurricanes: 1. Stay tuned to weather forecasts. This will help you know what direction a hurricane will come from and how it will impact you, your neighbors, and your community. 2. Make a plan with other families in your area by taking safety measures together to make sure everyone stays safe during a storm. 3. Stay calm. If you know that you and your family will be safe, it's likely everyone around you will feel the same way. 4. Make sure your pets and animals are safe and prepared for hurricane season as well. Hurricane season is a trying time for many communities. Being prepared and keeping track of the weather forecast can reduce the damage of a severe storm when it hits your community, city, or state. Stay tuned every year to see what hurricanes have been predicted by our meteorologists. Inland cities are just as at risk for storm damage as coastal cities, so help keep your family safe throughout hurricane season! - See more at: http://www.articles101. com/Articles-of-2018/The-GhaziAttack720pindualaudiohindi.html#sthash.HJjW7uvj.dpuf Please enter your list of 5-7 bullet points:1. Basic Needs (food, water, shelter)2. Insurance documents3. Clothes and shoes4. First Aid Kit5. Flashlight and batteries6. List of emergency contacts7. Important documents and documents to take with you A family's home is one of the most valuable possessions they have. cfa1e77820